The Coraoplis COGIC M.V.P.

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Mission , Purpose , Vision


To provide a diverse, "holy fire" ministry through the leading of the Holy Spirit via impartations of:

  • Hope (a feeling of expectation & desire combined with a desire for certain events to happen)
  • Healing (to form healthy flesh / spirit again; to unite after being cut or broken)
  • Restoration (the act of being brought back to its original state, good health or vigor, or former position by repairing or rebuilding)


To endeavor to create a ministry whereby the lost will find their way, the broken hearted will find reason to rejoice and the family will be made whole.


To unite the governing church bodies of Coraopolis and the surrounding areas for the sole purpose of providing direction to the lost and building "disciples in ministry" for the Kingdom of God.

 Official Church of God in Christ Doctrine